The driving distance between New Delhi and Mehandipur Balaji is 270 kms
The Mehandipur Balaji Temple located in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The name Balaji refers to Hanumanji . It is believed that hanumanji was born in mehandipur.There are 3 dieties in the temple – Balaji (Hanuman), Pret Raj (The King of spirits), Bhairav.
The temple is also known as “Ghate wale baba” The idol of Hanumanji is not man-made.and appeared around 1000 years ago.While Mehandipur
At Balaji devotees,get rid of problems related to supernatural power and black magic., populary referred as psychotic disorders. People make an appeal for relief to Shri Bheruji Pret Raj Sankar who holds his court and awards punishment to the spirits, ghosts, goblins, ghouls, evil eyed witches etc.
The rituals of this temple are very specific and rigid which need to follow in proper sequence without any mistake.