The driving distance between New Delhi and Salasar Balaji is 290 kms
Salasar Balaji religious importance for the devotees of Lord Hanumanji as he has a round face moustache and beard.
The bricks, stones, cement, lime mortar, and marble have replaced mud in the temple’s building.The Sabha Mandap (prayer hall) and the Sanctum Sanctorum is covered with artistic works of Gold and Silver. The vestibule, the doors and the utensils used in worshiping are made of silver. The main gate is made up of carving works of white marble. The temple shrine and the sanctum sanctorum are decorated with floral patterns and other kinds of mosaic works done in Gold and Silver to give the temple a rich look.
It is believed that a farmer of village Asota found idols of Balaji covered with sand while ploughing his fields, then the owner of the village saw balaji in his dreams ordering him to send the idol to Salasar .